Saturday, October 27, 2012

A wind is a blowing

Some people simply know how to live. Rich or poor they will always carve out lifestyle. I have always admired these peoples artistic ability and their sense and uncanny ability to always select the right foods, music and mood. This last week has finds me on land still at the Goldenberg’s soaking in that lifestyle, with my world class hosts and catching up on laundry, writing, working on the boat and resting, Mainly I am still here to wait out the epidemic hurricane that is fast approaching.
Relaxing while on a troll

It’s been an interesting week experiencing the Jersey culture which is more redneck and tough guy than I thought. I have always felt that one should be a bit suspect of a culture where no one uses their real name and everyone uses an alias which is reflective of whom they really are. My week has been filled with characters like puffy, who smokes too much, Fatter than me, who is, well, fatter than me or Jewie Soprano, lovingly given to the tough guy from somewhere others than here. Naturally I was given a nickname day one which has stuck and is ironically dead on; Hemmingway. “Yos! Hemmingways” screams Moose from across the docks,” yous wansta go fishin, haw Hemmingway?” Apparently I broke a curse that had been on the boat and am seen as having a lot of Moxie (aka balls). Which has now gone as far as someone wanting me “ with all my luck to lay their roulette chips for them in Atlantic City. Making no jokes this is Jersey and I am aware that if I was lucky with his finances I would get a cut and never leave but if I were unlucky…well there are places for people like me. Just ask Jimmy Hoffa or Vincent Mangano.

The sun was just right this morning, the air felt so soft  as we sat on the back patio overlooking the water sipping bittersweet espresso and feeding on poached eggs, polenta and sausage. As we sat talked and laughed an interesting feeling struck me leaving me knowing that destruction was coming but continuing to live in harmony somewhat naive like the Parisian aristocrats had who popped champagne and continued to throw parties as the Germans marched in. Ultimately what can you do, you can’t run from nature and at a certain point after preparation all you can do accept it and pray.  We are predicted to take a direct hit.

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