Tuesday, November 27, 2012

In a world of Dragons

Through a series of storms and gales, waterways and gators I find myself in the shrimping town of Oriental and deeply in love with North Carolina. I understand now why James Taylor sang “In my mind I’m going to Carolina, can you see the sunshine, can’t you just feel the moonshine…” A song written about a mental escape he took while signing his largest record deal in London, when the pressure caused him to hit his boiling point he went to his childhood home in his mind. I get it, seeing more changing beauty in the last week than some see in a life time. Its hard to write about what I have seen or done, I simply don’t have the capacity or ability to translate it to paper. Same with taking pictures, which I love to do but most of the time I don’t since the only way to capture this or share it with you would cause you to have to stand next to me. If you did, you would never regret it. Words and books can expand your world, take you places, make you feel, but remember no matter how good the picture or how powerful the words, all those thoughts are synthesized.

Sitting in the corner of the local coffee house, ordained with oriental dragons and standing room only I feel lucky to have a seat. Across the street the shrimp fleet sits proud on inky black water, birds sit lazily on the pilings, three dogs sit on the porch waiting for their owners to drink up and get going. Every ten minutes or so one in particular climbs up on the table at the window and knocks on the glass, gives her master a look then climbs down. I guess he isn’t moving fast enough for her this morning. The “bean” is the crossroads where cruising sailors, watermen and locals collide. A bumper sticker on the register reads, I (heart) my Barista. My guess is it was stuck there by a Seattle sailor as some sort of homage, I am sure a barista somewhere in Pikes is feeling the love but not here, barista is a foreign word. Behind the counter stands pure southern charm and humor. A man walks in an says to the girl, “darling do you have a potty mouth?”. “Sometimes” she says and smiles, “when I drink too much coffee, but I guess you’re lucky since I am the nice one”. “Well then I will have a coffee since you are being so nice” I am more than sure they know each other, heck I have been here two days and already know everyone (Proven!! As I was writing this a woman walks in and says “I have a question for everyone. Does anyone have Jessie Edwards phone number?” She had it two seconds later)  I am quickly finding that there is only 2 degrees of separation between everyone. It is a bit surprising that I was almost kidnapped last night. That story I will save for a book.

In many ways I don’t want to leave. There is a smooth pace here that is tranquil. I have been offered a free dock but don’t want to take it. Anchored up a creek that is so still you can see a leaf drop by the shore and watch the water ripples run to the bay, where my morning views are heart stopping and the night so still it takes me to the deepest parts of sleep. When I got here, I carefully made my way up the creek and picked a suitable spot in front of a nice house and dropped anchor. After getting settled I called a long time friend and Oriental resident RC Clements. “Where are you” he asked……..”oh your anchored in front of my house” . I couldn’t have picked a better spot if I tried.

No editing was done to this image. This is what I say when I woke up this morning.
For those of you who do not know, I am on the ICW (intercostal water way). Think of it as a water highway that runs inland through bays, rivers, creeks, swamps, lakes and canals, stretching and winding from New Jersey to Key West. As soon as you set adrift on the ICW you become a part of a family of transient boaters from all over the world that are there to help you in every way. Usually you meet these people in a said town or anchorage, having dinner together, coffee, cocktails or just talking. Most have no idea where they are going, some Columbia, others Australia, Panama, Key West and some have to go home soon. You make connections exchange info.  In the morning you will leave and head here or there and they go their own way, sometimes you go together. Usually you run into each other days later and get together again. In just a few weeks I have met everyone from bikers to Brits, adventurers to 20 something’s escaping corporate life and yes a ton of Canadians. It’s really cool and the stories you hear make it even more worthwhile.  From here, there are a few must see’s en route, but most of us are gunning for Charleston SC, A: because its charming as hell B: its warm. The 27*f/-3*c  nights are rough.


For additional photos please view my facebook http://www.facebook.com/james.munsey.5 

I recently read on a fellow travelers FB a post that said. Our time on this planet is limited, yet most of us live like we will be here forever. Better get cracking.  




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